
Edit Flaps

Switch Flaps

Switch to Flap Tool and choose the switch mode ( ) in the Flap Tool section of the inspector, then:

Add and Remove Flaps

Switch to Flap Tool and choose the add/remove mode ( ) in the Flap Tool section of the inspector, then:

Merge Flaps

Switch to Flap Tool and choose the merge mode ( ) in the Flap Tool section of the inspector, then:

Shape Flaps

Ways to modify the shape of the flaps:

Optimize Flap Shape

The flaps should be shaped carefully to avoid collision and overflow. You can enable the Flap Targets in the view settings to check if any flap has problems. In most cases, you don't need to fix the problems by hand. Unfolder provides you with a feature to optimize the flap shape automatically.

  1. Select the parts or flaps you want to optimize, or select nothing if you want to optimize all the flaps.
  2. Click the button on the toolbar and open the Optimize Flap Shape panel.
  3. Adjust the settings:
    • Expected Height: the expected height of the optimized flaps. Some flaps may be shorter to avoid collision and overflow.
    • Expected Angle: the expected angle of the optimized flaps. Some flaps may have smaller angles to avoid collision and overflow.
    • Angle Tolerance: the size of the gap between the adjacent flaps to avoid the collision caused by the inaccuracy of the cutting and gluing.
  4. Click the Optimize button.